Sunday, June 19, 2011

random thoughts...

Coming back from laying on the beach was definitely like jumping into a cold pool after being in the jacuzzi-a nice refreshing slap in the face to every cell in the bod.
Wednesday was powerstand and I decided to mix things up and serve cold cereal. It was a total smash hit! Everyone loved it, we had tons, and it came in under the budge. Brilliant. Eventually this table of guys just carried bags of cereal and a gallon of milk to their table to cut down on time going back to the serving area multiple times. You know, we are efficient at One on One.

In addition to shopping for cold cereal at Costco Tuesday night, I was thinking about what I would share if I was ever asked to share what "Throw Your Hat Over the Wall" meant to me. This was the first Core Value that we launch as a company a few weeks ago and I got to be part of the process and watch it come to fruition.

My favorite part of the "Throw Your Hat Over the Wall" story is the end when it says (after the one traveler had thrown his hat over the wall) "and they had no choice but to continue". An experience in my life when I threw my hat over the wall was when I went to China. I bought my $2200 Opening Ceremonies ticket for the Beijing Olympics, essentially throwing my hat over the wall, I had no choice but to continue and successfully get to China. Everything fell in to place and I made it China only to discover that my ticket was fake. I was devastated, I wanted my hat back. However, I learned that the process of getting over the wall was more important than getting my hat back.

Also this week, we had a competition for most creative title, mine was Meredith "Ashton Blvd, as in driving down the" Because our office borders Ashton Blvd so I get questions all the time about if that street was named after me, to which I affirm that it most definitely was.

Sunday was baby Jonathan's blessing. It was so fun to go to church with all my family-I mean we stayed for the whole block, so Sunday School and Relief Society with everyone was such a treat. Then we all gathered at Christina and Sean's for potato bar and yummy other stuff.

After the gathering, Pete and I headed down for our "YSA Stake Reorganization". No changes for me in my ward, but we are a YSA stake now! We had a All-Star line-up...Jule Beck ( I went up and met her), Jay Jensen, Von Keetch (previous stake pres-love him), Steven, they really do care about the YSA of the church. I mean I knew that, but they sent their best to handle this stake conference and I was impressed.

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